Please be aware that this site is still under heavy construction, and is being built from scratch.
If at times to site becomes unresponsive, please let us know by emailing us, follow the contact link on the left.

Upcoming Events.

Onging Events.

Latest updates.
2024-04-05 - Remapping of internal drives completed.
2024-03-17 - Web server and backend scripts were seperated, this should improve site availability.
2024-03-16 - A deep archiving method has been implemented, this sets up very low power, non mechanical storage for older data, which can now be left as read only from a permanent location.
Sometime in February 2024 - This website appeared into existence and began as a small set of bash scripts.

Should you have any Queries, Constructive comments or suggestions, please feel free to email them to us.
Please take Complaints and Negative attitude to your own place and deal with it yourself.

If you feel we are archiving something that does happen to violate some copyright, please inform us, we'll remove it if it's found to be the case. We do try and get direct permission from the Author of the content stored here, however this is not always possible. We will respect the copyright laws of South Africa, and the license granted against the content in our possession.

So you want to help, do you?

We're needing the following, more content to host, want something hosted here, left us know.
But, there are some basic rules :-
1 - Content must be public and open, even though Copyright protected. I.E. The supplied license with the content must allow us to re-distribute the content free of charge.
2 - Written permission to re-distribute the content from the copyright holder where no license is provided.

A good looking graphic logo. Something that picturizes an archive hidden somewhere in coza!!

Any donations for hardware/infrastructure upgrades, general server maintenance, and other service expenses will always help.
Crypto would be prefered, we'll supply some common crypto wallet addresses soon.
Contact us via email for info on any other means to donate.